About The Project

“Exploring the Journey of Asian Women in STEM at ISU” was initiated as a comprehensive exploration of narratives, challenges, and triumphs experienced by Asian women faculty members in STEM fields at Iowa State University (ISU). The project was conducted in two phases, with the first phase taking place during the Summer of 2023.

In this initial phase, I conducted oral history interviews with Asian women faculty members at ISU, completing a total of 6 interviews representing various STEM disciplines. These interviews were aimed at uncovering the unique experiences and perspectives of these women in academia.

To make these interviews accessible to the public, a WordPress website was built as part of the same phase. This website served as a platform to showcase the interviews and related content, allowing for a broader audience to engage with the stories shared by these remarkable women.

In the spring semester, I worked on phase 2 of the project, which involved creating a multimedia website with the integration of Oral History as a Data (OHD) tool. This tool enhances the viewing experience by allowing for the analysis and publication of coded oral history or qualitative interview files, providing users with a more interactive experience. Check out the theme page: Themes Page

Throughout this process, the team at ISU library, especially those overseeing the Tracing Race project, provided invaluable support. Their expertise in website building and technical aspects of the project were instrumental in its success.

Overall, this project has been a journey of discovery and empowerment, highlighting the importance of inclusivity and diversity in academia. As we conclude this project, we invite you to explore our website and delve into these inspiring interviews, as they serve as a reminder that diversity is a journey that enriches us all

About The Researcher

I’m Mansi Patel, an Information Systems enthusiast with fascination for data and its potential to reshape our world. Through attention to detail, I’ve found my passion in stories hidden within datasets.

Mansi Patel
Mansi Patel

My journey led me to Iowa State University, where I’ve been fortunate to assume the role of a Graduate Assistant. Guiding first-year students and providing academic support has allowed me to witness the power of mentorship. Beyond the academic realm, I’ve embarked on a remarkable research project that dives into the journeys of Asian women in STEM fields. Through interviews, conversations, and analysis, I’ve had the privilege of unraveling their stories of resilience, accomplishments, and contributions to academia.

I hope that this digital platform has succeeded in its goal of amplifying the narratives of Asian women in STEM, effectively sharing their contributions and journeys as originally envisioned when this project began.